- Are you living in darkness?
- We only see the stars at night [...]
Daniel Boulanger (The Lady of Hearts, p.33, Folio n°2108)
Fleeting stars
Both the first stars and the ghosts reappear just when the will of the shadow invades the light: day falls and the hallucinatory logic of desire imposes itself.
The next transition arrives at dawn, when opening the eyes still among the mists comes the brightness. Between these two transitions of appearance/disappearance, live the creatures of Silvana Solivella.
I see a new and strange constellation, it branches out its strength, it welcomes the beings of the air.
Excerpt from the text, En tránsito by Verónica GarcÃa, 2014 (French version)
Fleeting Stars, 2015,
light fixture on canvas screen on frame 40 x 40 x 5 cm

Source of inspiration /8
The stars
The 7 stars are the emblem of the Carthusians, a contemplative religious order founded in 1084. They embody Saint Bruno, the founder, and his six companions.
The symbolism of the stars is also found on one of the tarot cards. This announces the marvelous and subtle energies.
A universal symbol that has guided and will continue to guide travelers and other pilgrims throughout the world.
Inspiration - Keywords:
Detail of card XVII of the Marseille tarot